“You are a diamond in the rough, Sweet Girl, so tough. Maybe you’ll get scratched through this dark mess, but remember, your sparkle will never shine any less. Stay tough and don’t ever try to hide your shine.”

  • Stephanie Bennett Henry

I firmly believe that the parts of ourselves that we hide away in the shadows are exactly the bits that deserve to shine in the light because those are the parts where the most beauty lies. This is certainly something that I have found to be true about myself.

Dragonfire Designs is the result of my journey to health, happiness, self and freedom. For those who don't already know my story, I have struggled for many years with multiple health difficulties. I currently have a total of 7 autoimmune diseases and disorders and am a cancer survivor.

My biggest battle is with Multiple Sclerosis, a progressive, debilitating neurological disease that primarily affects the brain and spinal cord. I have many lesions on my brain and several years ago a very large one rendered the left side of my body partially paralyzed. It was a terrifying time. Thankfully, through intense occupational therapy and a loooooong hospital stay, I was able to regain function. Once I was released from the hospital, one of the ways I worked to keep my hands functional was to teach myself how to weave wire.

I had played with making jewelry before and had some success but it wasn't until I began to learn the intricate art of wire weaving that I really fell in love with it again. And I found that by combining the beautiful wire with the rough, untumbled stones and minerals I had in my collection, I was able to create beautiful pieces that told stories. I am thrilled to share these pieces-and the stories as I hear them- with all of you, though I hope they speak to you individually as well.

I have so much more I want to share with all of you. Thank you for joining me on my journey.